Advanced Programme in AI for Leaders

Programme Fee

Installments Amount* Date
Registration fee ₹20,000 Within 48 Hours of receiving the selection email
1st Installment ₹1,36,000 Within 15 days from the day, the registration fee is paid
2nd Installment ₹1,56,000 10th Mar'25
3rd Installment ₹1,56,000 10th July'25
Total Programme Fee ₹4,68,000

(*18% GST extra as applicable)

*2 campus visits of 3 days at IIM Calcutta.

Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Programme Terms

  • Payment Schedule

    Application fee ₹2,500

    On Registration
    • Option 1: Pay Full Fee or
    • Option 2: Pay Registration Fee of ₹20,000 and Balance Fee on or before Due Date (Due Date will be communicated to you by email upon Selection)
  • Payment Options

    Option 1
    Own Sources

    • Eligibility
      • All
    • Process: Pay Online
      • Net Banking
      • Credit Card
      • Debit Card
      • UPI

    Option 2
    0% Interest Scheme
    (6-9 EMIs)

    • Through Finance Partner
      • 6 month EMI: ₹92,040 per month
      • 9 month EMI: ₹61,360 per month

    Note : EMI mentioned are indicative and subject to vary based on change in ROI and credit rating of an Individual. Please contact your programme RM for details

    Option 3
    Interest-Based Schemes
    (12-48 EMIs)

    • Through Finance Partner
      • 12 month EMI: (₹47,861 - ₹48,436) per month
      • 18 month EMI: (₹33,142 - ₹34,132) per month
      • 24 month EMI: (₹26,692 - ₹25,426) per month
      • 30 month EMI: (₹21,100 - ₹22,895) per month
      • 36 month EMI: (₹18,261 - ₹20,287) per month
      • 48 month EMI: ₹14,726 per month

    Note : EMI mentioned are indicative and subject to vary based on change in ROI and credit rating of an Individual. Please contact your programme RM for details

    *A Convenience Fee may be charged by your bank directly to your card for ₹99 + GST

    For any clarification,
    contact Jivin @ +91-9652950077 / Priyanka +91-9154942236 or
    email us at

  • Refund Policy
    Any fee paid is non-refundable and non-transferable